WELCOME 1940's Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

The maps from the 40s and 50s do not change much from earlier ones.

1940 PENNSYLVANIA. This map is believed to be from the 1940 Commercial Atlas of the World, Geographical Publishing Co., Chicago. It has population by counties and cities on the back, and a location index that matches the grid around the edge. Scale: 1 inch = 15 miles. Size: 14.5 x 21 inches.
1941 DUQUESNE HUNTING AND FISHING MAP, published by the Duquesne Brewing Co. of Pittsburgh, printed by Inland Lithograph Co., Chicago, undated. The date of this map is not known, it was seen for sale dated 1941 so that date is used here, although it may be a little early. This colorful advertising map has drawings of the wildlife that can be hunted in each county. Only the center portion is shown here. The company is now defunct. Its brewery had an enormous clock on the side that was the biggest in Pittsburgh and perhaps in the state. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 16 miles. Size: 26 x 35 inches.
1942 PROPERTY MAP OF HILLMAN COAL & COKE CO. WASHINGTON MINE, CITY OF WASHINGTON & TWP. OF CANTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNA. This is a mine map showing the layout of a coal mine underground relative to surface features and property divisions. No draftsman or engineer is identified, although it apparently was prepared by the coal company. The relative accuracy of maps like this has become a major issue in several mine disasters. Scale: 1 inch = 500 feet. Size: 48 x 36 inches.
1943 PART OF NORTHEASTERN U.S.A., page 85 from Goode's School Atlas by J. Paul Goode, 1943 edition, published by Rand McNally & Co. This is a 286 page school atlas; the Pennsylvania map is a two page spread of the northeast, half shown here. Scale: 1 inch = 65 miles. Size: 10.5 x 8 inches.
1944 RAND MCNALLY POPULAR MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA, page 48 from an unknown atlas, presumably from Rand McNally. A map of Oregon is on the verso. Scale: 1 inch = 26 miles. Size: 11 x 14 inches.
1945 PHYSICAL MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY and POLITICAL MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY , edited by L. Philip Denoyer, published by Denoyer-Geppert Co., Chicago, 1945 edition. This is a large wall map with 2 maps on one sheet. The top map is the physical one and the bottom map is the political one. Each map is on a scale of 1 inch = 8 miles, and each is about 31 x 44 inches. The political map shows counties by color and names more towns.
1946 CAMBRIA COUNTY, page 24 from My Pennsylvania - A Brief History of the Commonwealth's Sixty Seven Counties, published by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, prepared and produced by the State Department of Commerce. Although a history, this book resembles an atlas of the state. Each county has two pages with a map of the county, a photograph of the courthouse, and other photos and historical information. The book also contains a state map on the end plates, a short history of the state, and pictures of each governor. Although largely a rural county, Cambria contains the city of Johnstown which requires it to have this large and impressive French Empire style courthouse at Ebensburg.
1947 PENNSYLVANIA, copyright by C. S. Hammond & Co. N. Y. There are insets of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. This map is undated but is believed to be from the 1947 edition of World Book Encyclopedia. Only the southeast is shown here. The altitude is color-coded, from green for the lowest altitude through yellow and orange to red for the highest. On the verso Pennsylvania towns are listed with their population and location per the grid around the map edge. Size: 10 x 13.5 inches.
1948 PENNSYLVANIA MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS - TOWNSHIPS, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1940, U.S. Government Printing Office 1948. This black and white map shows the outlines of all the townships and boroughs in the state. Note they are broken out by number for Delaware and Allegheny counties because there are so many. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 8 miles. Size: 27 x 42 inches.
1949 PENNSYLVANIA STATE CAPITOL GROUP, from Pennsylvania Capitol Buildings Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, printed by the state government, January 1949. This small brochure or folder contains this map plus text on the history and architecture of the Capitol Building. The capitol was moved from Philadelphia to Harrisburg in 1812 and for a time met in the old Dauphin County courthouse. The first capitol building was ready in 1822 and was destroyed by fire in 1897. A second building was begun and then razed as being not dignified enough. The present grand structure, designed by architect Joseph Huston, was completed in 1909 and enlarged in the 1980s. Today, the building is perhaps better known for the murals lining its chamber walls painted by Edwin Austin Abbey and Violet Oakley. The map shows the capitol grounds as they were in 1949. Nowadays, the buildings shown have other uses and several newer buildings have been added. Size: 8 x 8.5 inches.






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