WELCOME 1710's Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

From the 1690's to circa 1740 Pennsylvania appeared only in larger regional maps.

  1710.1 A GENERAL MAP OF NEW FRANCE COMMONLY CALLED CANADA, this anonymous manuscript map of only approximate dating appears in Brown, No. 10. It seems to have been copied from Moll's version of Lahontan's 1703 map of the same name. The same map is reproduced in Johnson (1974). The original is in the British Library.
1710.2 NORTH AMERICA, corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris, by John Senex, F.R.S., 1710. Despite its title, this map shows only the eastern United States and Canada. The map lacks detail though Pennsylvania and the other colonies are indicated. This image is from the National Archives of Canada and appears to be a facsimile; the map is not in McCorkle.
  1713.2 CANADA, OU NOUVELLE FRANCE: SUIVANT LES NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS DE MESS'RS.DE L'ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES..., chez Pierre vander Aa, avec privilege. This is a later version of the 1703 De'Lisle map and can be seen at Pugsley Maps from McGill University (McCorkle #713.1) . The map extends south far enough to just include all of Pennsylvania though with little detail. There is a companion map, La Floride..., continuing the coverage south to Florida. The map appeared in Le Nouveau theatre du Monde, Leide 1713; and later in van der Aa's Galerie agreable du Monde in 1729.
1714.1 VIRGINIA MARYLANDIA et CAROLINA IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI Britannorum industria excult repr sentat Ioh. Bapt. Homann S.C.M. Geog. Norimberg . This map can be seen at MapForum.Com , Issue 5, in The Carolinas checklist and is reproduced in Pritchard & Taliaferro #17 and Papenfuse & Coale. The whole map can be seen at the the Library of Congress which is the image here; and also at the Darlington Library.
1715.1 A NEW AND EXACT MAP OF THE DOMINIONS OF THE KING OF GREAT BRITAIN ON YE CONTINENT OF NORTH AMERICA CONTAINING NEWFOUNDLAND, NEW SCOTLAND, NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, PENSILVANIA, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, AND CAROLINA by Herman Moll (McCorkle #715.1). This large map contains five insets, one being an engraving of beavers, and is famously known as the 'Beaver Map.' It is reproduced in Schwartz & Ehrenberg and can be seen at the Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection - Colonial America and at the Darlington Library . The image here is from the Library of Congress version published by T. Bowles which McCorkle calls the third state, and can be seen in more detail at the LOC site. 
  1715.2 BATAVORUM COLONIAE OCCIDENT: INDIIS SEPTENTRIONALIS AMERICAE IMPLANTATAE. McCorkle (#715.2) lists this small inset map contained within a larger map of the Netherlands which shows the northeast coast and names Pennsylvania and Philadelphia. It is a later version, published by Peter Schenk, of a 1705 Homann map. The only difference appears to be the removal of part of the cartouche intruding into the inset map on the Homann original. There was also a 1751 version (McCorkle #751.1).
1716.1 JOHN ESTAUGH & COMPANY'S LAND: situate on Conostogoe and the Mill Creek in the County of Chester, part thereof survey'd the 25th day of October 1716 and fully compleated the 16th day of May 1717. Isaac Taylor. This is a manuscript land survey map labeled "Estaugh & Company's land, 1716, Chester County." It is reproduced in the Pennsylvania Archives 3rd Series Appendix I-X, No. 10; the original is presumably held in the Land Office Archives. With a few exceptions, manuscript land survey maps held by the Land Office are not included in this Checklist.
1717.1 A MAP OF NEW FRANCE CONTAINING CANADA, LOUISIANA &C. IN NTH. AMERICA, by Herman Moll from his Atlas Geographus, vol. 5, London 1717 (McCorkle #717.1). Like most of Moll's maps, this one has several later editions, appearing in Salmon's history in the 1740's; and in A Collection of Voyages and Travels... by Awnsham Churchill in 1732. It shows the eastern United States to beyond the Mississippi and is one of the earliest reasonable English renderings of the Great Lakes area. The note at upper left explains the retention of some French names. The scale has a printing error, with 140 instead of 240. Longitude east from London at top, west from London at bottom, something not seen on most maps. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 260 miles. Size: 7.25 x 10.25 inches.
  1717.2 A NEW CHART OF THE ENGLISH EMPIRE IN NORTH AMERICA, Engraven and printed by Fra Dewing Boston New England 1717 ... this chart is most humbly dedicated & presented by Capt. Cyprian Southack. This map is #717.2 in McCorkle where only the New England part is shown. The complete map is reproduced in Schwartz & Ehrenberg and shows the entire east coast and Great Lakes. Schwartz & Ehrenberg say this is the first map published in America displaying a significant part of North America and the oldest copper engraving still extant published in America. Except for the sea coast depiction, it is quite a poor map and does not even name Pennsylvania.
  1717.3 VIRGINISCHE PASKAART..., by I. Loots. This map is a late Dutch version of Hermann's 1673 map. Loots removed the name of Jacobus Robyn from the 1692 version and substitued his own for his atlas The New Great Sea-Mirror. The map is reproduced in Papenfuse & Coale, and includes southeastern Pennsylvania.
1718.1 CARTE DE LA LOUISIANE ET DU COURS DU MISSISSIPI.., by Guill. Delisle. The Mississippi runs down the middle of this French map with the English colonies named along the coast. Only the Pennsylvania region is shown here from a Library of Congress copy . Philadelphia and Bucks and Chester counties are identified. The map is reproduced in color in Portinaro & Knirsch and also appears in Schwartz & Ehrenberg and Schwartz (2000) and can be viewed in its entirety at the Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection - Colonial America . Another Delisle map resembling this one but with a different title, also dated c1718, is discussed in Fite & Freeman. Delisle (or de L'Isle) was the leading cartographer of his time and his career luckily coincided with the French explorations of North America. His maps of the Mississippi River Basin are commonly found in map histories. This map has an inset of Mobile Bay and the mouth of the Mississippi. This is considered one of the most important maps of mid-America and its different versions are described in Tooley, Chapter 1.
  1718.2 NOVISSIMA TABULA REGIONIS LUDOVICIANAE..., a Guil: Insulano Geographo..., who was Guillaume Delisle (or de l'Isle), the map is from a publication by Christoph Weigel. This map appears in Fite & Freeman who date it 1718? mostly because it does not show New Orleans established in 1718. It shows the eastern United States (without New England) west to beyond the Mississippi. Pennsylvania is identified as the region east of the Susquehanna (this is a French map, after all) and the founding counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester are named. It is essentially the same as the map above but lacks the inset and is smaller.
1718.3 LA FRANCE OCCIDENTALE DANS L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONAL OU LE COURS DE LA RIVIERE DE ST. LAURENS AUX ENRIRONS DE LA QUELLE SE TROUVENT LE CANADA ... LES ILLINOIS & LA VIRGINIE, LA MARIE-LANDE, LA PENSILVANIE, LE NOUVEAU JERSAY, LA NOUVELLE YORCK, LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE ET L'ISLE DE TERRE-NEUVE. by Nicolas de Fer (McCorkle #718.2). This large two sheet map was the basis for de Fer's smaller 1719 map of similar name in Chatelain's atlas. This image from the National Archives of Canada shows the top part.
  1718.4 PARTIE MERIDIONALE DE LA RIVIERE DE MISSISIPI ET SES ENVIRONS DANS L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Publisher: J. F. Benard, Paris, 1718. This map by Nicolas de Fer is at the Darlington Library; where it can be seen. It shows the southeast west to Texas, but 'Lac Erie' along with western Pennsylvania is in the upper right corner.
  1719.1 A NEW MAP OF VIRGINIA MARYLAND AND THE IMPROVED PARTS OF PENNSYLVANIA & NEW JERSEY, dated 1719 and originally by Christopher Browne in 1685. John Senex revised it in 1719 and published it in A New General Atlas in 1721 (McCorkle #719.7, Phillips page 671). Only southeastern Pennsylvania is shown and only the settlements along the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers are named. It is reproduced in Stephenson & McKee, and can be seen at the Darlington Library.
  1719.2 CARTE PARTICULIERE DU FLEUVE SAINT LOUIS DRESSEE SUR LES LIEUX AVEC LES NOMS DES SAUVAGES DU PAIS. This map (McCorkle #719.2) is based upon Lahontan's 1703 map and appears in the Atlas Historique, Vol. 6, Amsterdam 1719, by Henry Abraham Chatelain. It shows the northeast from Hudson's Bay to Pennsylvania (unnamed) and west to the Mississippi.
1719.3 CARTE QUI CONTIENT UNE DESCRIPTION DES ILES & TERRES QUE LES ANGLOIS POSSEDENT DANS L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, ET EN PARTICULIER DE LA JAMAIQUE, DES ILES BARBADES, DE LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE, DES BARMUDES,DE LA CAROLINE, DE LA PENSILVANIE, ET DU NEW-FOUNDLAND, AVEC UN ETAT DE CHAQUE PAIS. This is a page of text and small maps from the Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684 - 1743) Atlas Historique. Chatelain was a Huguenot pastor of Parisian origins. He is best known as a Dutch cartographer and for his cartographic contribution in the seven volume Atlas Historique, published in Amsterdam between 1705 and 1720. Innovative for its time, the Atlas Historique combined fine engraving and artwork with studies of geography, history, ethnology, heraldry, and cosmography. Some scholarship suggests the atlas was not compiled by Henri Chatelain alone, but rather was a family enterprise involving his father and brother also. This sheet contains two maps that include Pennsylvania: NOUVELLE CARTE DE LA PENSYLVANIE MARYLAND VIRGINIE ET NOUVELLE JARSEY; and PARTIE DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Each map is about 3 x 3 inches and between the two maps is a description of Pennsylvania in French, as shown in this closeup. (McCorkle 719.3) An intaglio print with blank verso.
1719.4 CARTE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE ... DE LA FLORIDE, DE LA LOUISIANE, DE LA VIRGINIE, DE LA MARIE-LAND, DE LA PENSILVANIE, DU NOUVEAU JERSAY, DE LA NOUVELLE YORCK, DE LA NOUV ANGLETERRE.... by Nicolas de Fer in Atlas Historique by Chatelain (McCorkle #719.4). This is the smaller version of de Fer's 1718 map. Philadelphia is named on this small scale map with an inset of Quebec. Another slightly larger version of this map (McCorkle #719.5) also exists. There is a later copy of this map apparently by Ottens, see 1745. This detail of the Pennsylvania region is from Hanna. This map calls Lake Ontario Frontenac, and Lake Michigan Ilinois similar to Franquelin's map of 1684, but Delisle's 1718 map contains the modern names. So this map was probably prepared prior to Delisle's although it resembles that map. Pennsylvania is shown as being there, nothing more.
  1719.5 CARTE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE ... , found in sea atlases from Gerard van Keulen (McCorkle #719.6). This is a completely different version of de Fer's map with almost exactly the same title as the preceeding map. According to McCorkle, there are several versions that differ somewhat. On one copy seen, the title is at upper left instead of across the top and the insets are of the Gulf coast and the mouth of the Mississippi. The coverage is the same, from Newfoundland to Mexico, and many of the features on the map are copied from de Fer.
1719.6 A NEW MAP OF THE ENGLISH EMPIRE IN AMERICA . VIZ. VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, CAROLINA, NEW YORK, NEW IARSEY, NEW ENGLAND PENNSYLVANIA NEWFOUNDLAND NEW FRANCE &C. revised by John Senex 1719, J. Harris sculp. (McCorkle #719.7). Insets: The harbour of Boston or Massachusets Bay, A general map of the coasts & isles of Europe, Africa and America.This map is a later version of the 1695 map (McCorkle #695.3) of the same name. This image is from the National Archives of Canada and the map can also be seen at the Darlington Library.
1719.7 CARTE DU CANADA OU DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE, & DES DECOUVERTES QUI Y ONT ETE FAITES, Dressee sur les observations les plus Nouvelles, & Sur divers Memoires tant Manuscrits qu'imprimez, Tom. VI, No. 20, Pag:82; a map of Canada from Atlas Historique by Henri Abraham Chatelain published in Amsterdam circa 1719 (McCorkle #719.1). It includes virtually all of eastern Canada from Baffin Bay to Chesapeake Bay down to 39d, so all of Pennsylvania is included. A boundary line confines the English colonies to the sea coast; Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and New England are named, as well as Philadelphia. There are many other boundaries apparently separating Indian nations. The Great Lakes have their present names except Michigan, which is called "Lac de Ilinois." The map extends west to include the upper Mississippi. An inset at upper left gives some "Remarque Historique," naming Verrazzano, Cartier, la Salle, among others. This image shows only the lower half of the map that includes Pennsylvania. Blank verso, longitude apparently east from Ferro. Scale: 1 inch = 220 miles. Size: 16 x 20 inches.
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