WELCOME 1760 to 1764 Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

Maps from this decade were largely concerned with how the North American continent looked after the Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the French and Indian War.

1760.1 A MAP OF CANADA AND THE NORTH PART OF LOUISIANA WITH THE ADJACENT COUNTRYS. By Thos. Jefferys, geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. T. Jeffreys sculp. 1760 Published by Thos. Jeffreys near Charing Cross London. This small scale map comes from Jeffreys' The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America, London 1760; and also appears in his General Topography, London 1768. It shows the huge region between 40 and 60 degrees latitude west to beyond Lake Winnipeg. Pennsylvania is named at the bottom of the map. This image is from the Library of Congress where it is dated 1762. There is another version of this map of the same name and region but which looks distinctly different. McCorkle #760.4, Sellers & van Ee #95.
1760.2 A PLAN AND PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF PITTSBURGH. E. A. Day. This is a manuscript map of uncertain date; Sellers & van Ee (#1330) place it circa 1760s. This image is from the Library of Congress.
  1760.3 SKETCH OF THE COUNTRY FROM FORT DU QUESNE FO NIAGARA AS DESCRIBED BY AN INTELLIGENT INDIAN WHO HAD RESIDED THERE FOR A CONSIDERABLE TIME. This anonymous manuscript map of uncertain date shows the region from Pittsburgh to Niagara; the Allegheny River is called the Ohio. It is dated circa 1760 by Brown (#37) probably because the name "Pittsboro" appears under Fort Du Quesne. The original is in the Clements Library.
  1760.4 ANCIENT BOUNDARIES OF MARYLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA. This map is listed in the Maryland Archives, MSA SC 1399 -1-251, dated circa 1760-68 with Joint Commissioners as the author. It is from Minutes of the Joint Commissioners, Lord Baltimore and the Penns, from November 19, 1760 to November 9, 1768.
  1760.5 PLAN OF FORT LIGONIER done by Theodosius McDonald for George Morton February ye 8th Annoque Domini 1760. This manuscript map (Stotz III-8) shows Loyalhanna Creek, the fort, and surrounding grounds including the location of the battle of October 12, 1758. The original is in the Clements Library.
  1760.6 MAP SHOWING CONFLICTING CLAIMS OF CONNECTICUT AND PENNSYLVANIA AND THE PURCHASES OF THE SUSQUEHANNAH AND THE TWO DELAWARE COMPANIES WITHIN THE DISPUTED AREA, Frank Bobb, 1760. A land ownership manuscript map in the collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Docktor # 260B7.
1761.1 A NEW MAP OF NORTH AMERICA FROM THE LATEST DISCOVERIES 1761, engraved for the continuation of Dr. Smolletts History of England, J. Spilsbury, Sculp. This map is from Continuation of the Complete History of England by Tobias Smollett, London 1760-61, published in 50 weekly numbers and apparently continued to circa 1765. It shows the colonial possessions in North America from Newfoundland to Florida and west to the Mississippi. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel and has an irregular western boundary. The colonies are shown with their boundaries extending past the map's western border with various treaty and charter boundaries shown. The fishing banks off Canada are prominently noted. The color is probably not original. The map also appeared in the London Magazine of February, 1763, with the date changed in the title. Tobias Smollett is otherwise famous for writing the novel The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. McCorkle #761.3, 763.7; Sellers & Van Ee #89. Longitude west from London, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 166 miles. Size: 11 x 15 inches.
  1761.2 CANADA, J. Gibson sculpt. This map, from Gibson's A New General and Universal Atlas, includes the region between 41 and 50 degrees latitude and west to include the Great Lakes. The English colonies have elongated north-south boundaries and Pennsylvania is named, but nothing else identified. McCorkle #761.1
  1761.3 AN ACCURATE MAP OF CANADA, WITH THE ADJACENT COUNTRIES; exhibiting the late seat of war between the English & French in those parts. Univers. Mag. J. Hinton, Newgate Street. R. W. Seale del. et sculp. This map from the Universal Magazine of February, 1761, shows the region from Maine to Pennsylvania west to include the Great Lakes and north to 52 degrees. Pennsylvania's boundary is carried to 43 degrees, Philadelphia and "Pitsburg" are named, along with Harris T., Reading, Easton, Franks T., and the major rivers. The map can be seen at the Darlington Library. McCorkle #761.2
1761.4 PLAN OF FORT PITT and parts adjacent with both rivers. This is a manuscript map of the fort done by Bernard Ratzer circa 1761. It is reproduced in Hulbert(1907) with this date in four plates, all shown here, plate 2 , plate 3 , plate 4 . The complete plan is also shown in Stotz II-61, and at the Darlington Library. This plan had to be somewhat conjectural as the fort took several years to complete.
  1761.5 A PLAN OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, WITH THE COUNTRY ADJACENT. This map is a copy of the city grid area of Scull & Heap's map 1752.1. The city is shown along the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers with sites and names surrounding. It was published in A Curious Collection of Voyages... by J. Newberry of London in 1761; and in a publication titled The World Displayed in 1769 per a listing in the Heritage Map Museum CD. Illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Figure 25.
  1761.6 MAP OF THE COUNTRY ADJACENT TO FORT ON FRENCH CREEK. This undated manuscript map shows the region around the juncture of French Creek with the Allegheny. The dating is uncertain but it likely dates circa 1760-62. When the French fled back to Canada they destroyed Fort Machault and the British decided to build a replacement. They chose a site closer to French Creek and started construction in 1760. This map is illustrated in Stotz (II-70) and the original is in the Clements Library.
  1761.7 A NEW MAP OF VIRGINIA, FROM THE BEFT AUTHORITIES: by T. Kitchin Geog. This map is only included here because a thin strip of southern Pennsylvania is shown. The map can be seen at the Darlington Library, where it is dated 1761. It probably comes from one of the London magazines of the period.
1762.1 AN ACCURATE MAP OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN NTH. AMERICA AS SETTLED BY THE PRELIMINARIES IN 1762, J. Gibson Sculp., from the Gentleman's Magazine 1762 (McCorkle #762.1). This small scale map has an inset of the entrance to the Mississippi River. The English magazines quickly published maps relating to current news, in this case the approaching end of the war with France. The shaded area is the land considered ceded to Great Britain from France and Spain. The map was originally folded. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel and Philadelphia is named. Longitude west from London, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 250 miles. Size: 8.25 x 9.75 inches. 
1762.2 A NEW AND CORRECT MAP OF THE PROVINCES OF NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK, AND CANADA, OR NEW FRANCE. J. Gibson sculpt. A map from The American Gazetteer, London 1762, showing the region from St. Lawrence Bay west to Lake Huron and south to Pennsylvania. The counties of Bucks, Berks, and Northampton are named, along with the rivers and several towns. The map extends south to 40 degrees and shows most of Pennsylvania except the southern strip. Philadelphia is not shown. McCorkle #762.2. Scale: 1 inch = 125 miles. Size: 11 x 13.5 inches.
1762.3 TO THE MAYOR, RECORDER, ALDERMAN, COMMON COUNCIL, AND FREEMEN OF PHILADELPHIA THIS PLAN OF THE IMPROVED PART OF THE CITY SURVEYED AND LAID DOWN BY THE LATE NICHOLAS SCULL, ESQR., SURVEYOR GENERAL OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA is humbly inscrib'd by the editors. Philadelphia; Sold by the editors, Matthew Clarkson and Mary Biddle. 1762. This map of Philadelphia has inset plans of previous maps by Thomas Holme and Benjamin Eastburn. Wheat & Brun #456 state that the most probable engraver is Henry Dawkins. Mary Biddle was the daughter of Nicholas Scull, who evidently planned this map before his death in 1761. This was an important map for the time, as it was copied by European mapmakers. This image is from a poor modern reproduction. Sellers & van Ee #1308, Phillips page 698. Illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Figure 27.
1762.4 CANADA, LOUISIANE, POSSESSIONS ANGL? par le S. Robert de Vaugondy geog? ord? du Roi ... avec privilege 1762. Grave par E. Dussy. A. sculp. This small scale map of eastern North America appeared in several editions of Atlas Portitif. The English colonies are confined to the coast by a boundary line, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia are named. There is a large inset of northwestern North America, largely unknown as the map shows. A note at left mentions Delisle. This map appears in several states, three illustrated by McCorkle #762.3, 778.15, 794.13, also in Sellers & van Ee #96. Later versions were titled CANADA, LOUISIANE, ETATS-UNIS after the United States was formed. Blank verso except for a large "43", presumably the page number. Longitude east from Ferro. Scale: 1 inch = 310 miles. Size: 9.5 x 11.5 inches.
1762.5 A NEW AND ACCURATE MAP OF THE PROVINCES OF PENSILVANIA, VIRGINIA, MARYLAND AND NEW JERSEY. J. Gibson, sculpt. This is a magazine map that appeared in the The American gazetteer, containing a distinct account of all the parts of the New world: London, Printed for A. Millar...1762. It shows the region from New York to Virginia and west to include Lake Michigan, and is based on the maps of Lewis Evans. Pennsylvania has an irregular western border and extends to 43 degrees latitude. The map has several short notes mostly about Indian tribes. Phillips page 674. Blank verso, longitude west from London. Scale: 1 inch = 65 miles. Size: 10.75 x 13.5 inches.
  1762.6 A SKETCH OF THE SEVERAL INDIAN ROADS LEADING FROM FORT PITT TO SIOTO, LAKE ERIE, &C. Takn. from a Draft (made on a Tour thro yt. Country in 1762 by Mr. Hutchins - then in the Indian Department - Guy Johnson fect.) Johnson was head of the "Indian Department" for the British and Thomas Hutchins (later more famous) was a draftsman attached to the British for a time. This is a well made manuscript map showing the region between Fort Pitt and Lake Erie west to the Miami River in Ohio, and is illustrated in Brown #38. The original is in the Clements Library and was probably made by Johnson later, circa 1763-64, listed in Guthorn (1972) #65-8.
  1762.7 SURVEY OF THE ENVIRONS OF FORT PITT. This large (21 x 43 inches) ink and watercolor manuscript map is credited to British engineer Lieutenant Elias Meyer and is in the British National Archives (former Public Record Office). It is undated, but thought circa 1761; however Stotz (II-63) more logically dates it 1762. The rivers, painted in blue, have their present names and the fort as well as the beginnings of Pittsburgh are shown on this attractive map. It also indicates the previous Fort Duquesne showing the huge difference in scale between the two forts.
  1762.8 (Fort Pitt) This untitled and undated manuscript map by Meyer was probably prepared in conjunction with the one above and is also in the British National Archives. It is a larger scale view of the fort itself. Stotz (II-66) calls this the best of the contemporary fort drawings.
  1762.9 A TOUR FROM FORT CUMBERLAND NORTH WESTWARD ROUND PART OF THE LAKES ERIE, HURON AND MICHIGAN, including part of the Rivers St. Joseph, the Wabash and Miamis, with a Sketch of the Road from thence by the Lower Shawanoe Town to Fort Pitt. 1762; by Thomas Hutchins. This is a manuscript map in the Huntington Library and probably one of the sketches for Hutchins later printed maps. Docktor # 262H5
1763.1 AN ACCURATE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA DESCRIBING AND DISTINGUISHING THE BRITISH AND FRENCH DOMINIONS ON THIS GREAT CONTINENT ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITIVE TREATY CONCLUDED AT PARIS 10TH FEBRUARY 1763. Printed for Robt. Sayer at the Golden Buck in Fleet Street. Another map showing the region from Newfoundland to Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel. This image is from the Library of Congress. McCorkle #763.1.
1763.2 THE BRITISH GOVERNMENTS IN NTH. AMERICA LAID DOWN AGREEABLE TO THE PROCLAMATION OF OCTR. 7.1763, Gent: Mag: J. Gibson sculp. This map of the eastern United States from Newfoundland to Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi is from The Gentlemen's Magazine. Unlike most of the other maps from this era showing this region, this one includes all of Florida, though badly mapped. Pennsylvania extends to past the 42nd parallel with its western boundary along the Allegheny ridge; Philadelphia, Venango, and "Pitsburg" are identified. There is a large inset of Bermuda at lower right. This particular copy has garish later hand coloring. McCorkle #763.3, Sellers & van Ee #110, Fite & Freeman #55. Blank verso, longitude west from Ferro. Scale: 1 inch = 280 miles. Size: 8 x 9.25 inches.
1763.3 A NEW MAP OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS IN NORTH AMERICA; with the limits of the governments annexed thereto by the late Treaty of Peace, and settled by proclamation, October 7th. 1763. Engraved by T. Kitchin geogr. Engraved for the History of the War in the Annual Register, and to be placed at the end of the volume for 1763. From the Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politicks, and Literature for the Year 1763, printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall Mall, 1764. Another map of the region from Newfoundland to Florida and west to the Mississippi. Like most other maps of this type, southern Florida is cut off, but appears here in an inset, badly mapped. Pennsylvania extends to 43 degrees, Philadelphia, Easton, Ft. Pitt, LogsTown named. The late treaty is the Treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years War as it was known in Europe. McCorkle #763.5, Sellers & van Ee #103. Scale: 1 inch = 177 miles. Size: 9.5 x 11.75 inches.
1763.4 A NEW MAP OF NORTH AMERICA FROM THE LATEST DISCOVERIES, published for the February 1763 issue of London Magazine, for R. Baldwin. (McCorkle #763.4). The map shows the eastern United States and southern Canada west to include the Mississippi; southern Florida is cut off. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel and includes Delaware as a county. Many of the maps in London Magazine were by Thomas Kitchin and this map resembles one of his from 1755 reproduced in Fite & Freeman, page 187; also on page 580 of Phillips. Map 1761.1 above is similar. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 225 miles. Size: 11 x 15 inches.
  1763.5 A NEW MAP OF NORTH AMERICA: shewing the advantages obtain'd therein to England, by the peace. Engrav'd for the Royal Magazine. Another magazine map of the region from Newfoundland to Florida and west to the Mississippi, but with all of Florida included. Philadelphia, Logs T., F. du Quesne, Fr. Forts (i.e. Venango region) identified. The colonies seem to have two western boundaries, one along the spine of the Appalachians, and another further west. McCorkle #763.6
  1763.6 THEODOLITE'S PATTERN, shewing the advantages obtained by the peace to England, particularly in North America. In fact, completely in North America as only the eastern part of the continent is shown. This is a very crude map and looks like a woodcut; the colonies are not named, nor is much else. It appeared in Universal Museum, vol. 2, 1763. McCorkle #763.8
1763.7 (Central United States) This untitled map by John Gibson appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine in 1763. It covers the Mississippi River valley from Lake Erie to the Rocky Mountains and south to include Florida. Louisiana, Virginia, and Carolina are names that appear prominently across the map; Georgia and Florida are also named. A line along the Appalachians says"Formerly the French claim'd all ye Country Westward of this Line." Large expanses of country are shown belonging to various Indian nations. No boundaries are shown, but most of Pennsylvania is included in the territory covered. Sellers & Van Ee #109. Originally folded, blank verso. Longitude west from London. Scale: 1 inch = 200 miles. Size: 7 x 9.5 inches.
  1763.8 CARTA DELLA NUOVA INGHILTERRA NUOVA IORK, E PENSILVANIA. This Italian map appeared in Il Gazzettiere Americano, Livorno 1763 (McCorkle #763.2). It is an Italian version of the 1757 Bellin map. A 1777 copy by Tomasso Masi appeared in Atlante dell' America and is illustrated in Portinaro & Knirsch.
  1763.9 CARTA RAPPRESENTANTE I CINQUE LAGHI DEL CANADA. This Italian map of the Great Lakes region was seen at auction dated 1763, engraved by Andrea Scacciati (1725-1771) with script by Guiseppi Pazzi, and also was published in Livorno in the Il Gazzettiere Americano. "Forte du Quesne" is named; the only states noted are "Pensilvania" and "Nuowa Jersey. This map also is illustrated in Portinaro & Knirsch dated 1777 from Masi.
  1763.10 PLAN OF THE ENGLISH FORT AT PITTSBURGH. This manuscript map dated circa 1763 was found under #45 in the map archives of the American Philosophical Society attributed to Joseph Shippen, Jr. It is one of several maps in the Society collections attributed to Shippen while serving under Colonel Joseph Burd during the French & Indian War.
1763.11 MAP OF A ROUTE THROUGH SOUTH WEST PENNSYLVANIA FROM FORT LOUDON, FRANKLIN CO. TO FORT PITT, PITTSBURGH. This anonymous manuscript map is in the Library of Congress where it is dated "1763?". North is to the right. Fort Loudon is today a small town on Route 30 in Franklin County. The map lacks a title and this title is the one given by the LOC. The scale is drawn on the map as 6 miles to 1 inch.
1764.1 CARTE DE LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE NEW YORK PENSILVANIE ET NOUVEAU JERSAY SUIVANT LES CARTES ANGLOISES. A map by Jacques Nicolas Bellin from the Petit atlas maritime, Paris 1764. It resembles the 1708 map, and its follow-ons, by Herman Moll. Only eastern Pennsylvania is shown with Philadelphia, Darby, Chester, Reading, Lancaster, and "Samokin" (at Sunbury) named. A road from Philadelphia to Lancaster and further west is shown. The Pennsylvania border extends to 43 degrees. This image is from the Library of Congress. McCorkle #764.1, Sellers & van Ed #723, 764, Phillips page 674.Blank verso, longitude west from Paris. Scale: 1 inch = 33 miles. Size: 12.5 x 14.5 inches.
1764.2 LA NOUVELLE FRANCE OU CANADA. Another map from Bellin's Petit atlas maritime, Paris 1764, which covers southern Canada and the United States south to 39d 30m, so all of Pennsylvania is included; and almost all the Great Lakes though the western third of the map is not shown in this image. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Fort Duquesne are named, along with some other forts. Listed in McCorkle #764.2, Sellers & van Ee #112. Longitude west from Paris, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 140 miles. Size: 8 x 14 inches.
1764.3 LA LOUISIANE ET PAYS VOISINS. Echelle de cent Lieues Communes. Tome I, no. 40. This map is from Jacques Nicolas Bellin's Le petit atlas maritime, Paris 1764. It shows the Mississippi River valley from Lake Erie to the Rockies. Western Pennsylvania is included and Fort Duquesne and Venango named. This is a later, and almost identical, issue of Bellin's 1757 map. Sellers & van Ee #111. This image is from the Library of Congress.
1764.4 AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALIS ODER MITTERNACHTIGER THEIL VON AMERICA, bestehend, in Neu Brittania Canada, Neu Engeland, Neu Schotland, Neu Jorck, Pensylvania, Carolina Florida Georgien. Worinen der grosse S. Laurentius und Ohio Fluss samt den grossen Seen zu ersehen seyn, heraus gegeben und verlegt von Georg Christoph Kilian in Augspurg. This is a German map showing the region from Newfoundland to Florida and west to the Mississippi, similar to other maps of this period. Pennsylvania extends north to about 42d 30m with an irregular western boundary that is the mirror image of its eastern boundary. The date of this map is uncertain, McCorkle (#764.3) dates it 1764? following Sellers & van Ee (#113). However, the preparation would appear to predate 1759 since the note "Fort take by French 1754" appears at the Forks of the Ohio. This image is from the Library of Congress.
1764.5 PLAN DE PHILADELPHIE ET ENVIRONS. This French map by Jacque Nicolas Bellin appears in his Petit Atlas Maritime and is based upon the 1752 Scull & Heap map. Sellers & van Ee #1309, Phillips page 698, also illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Figure 26. Blank verso, with no latitude or longitude markings. Scale: 1 inch ~ 1 mile. Size: 8.5 x 6.5 inches.
1764.6 (Erie) A manuscript map of Fort Erie attributed to Francis Pfister and dated 1764 in Hulbert(1907), which is the image here.
1764.7 CARTE DES CINQ GRANDS LACS DU CANADA. This is probably another map from Bellin's Petit Atlas Maritime showing the Great Lakes. Some fictitious islands appear in Lake Superior. This map is a later version of map 1744.3. Image from the Heritage Map Museum by permission.
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