WELCOME 1795 to 1799 Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

1795.1 PENNSYLVANIA, from The United States Gazetteer by Joseph Scott , published by F. & R. Bailey, Philadelphia 1795, and arguably the first collection of state maps published in the United States. This map is listed on page 679 of Phillips and is No. 444 in Wheat & Brun who say it was also published in Scott's An Atlas of the United States. The Gazetteer contained 19 maps: a United States map (McCorkle #795.13, Wheat & Brun #125), maps of the Northwest (north of the Ohio) and Southwest (south of the Ohio) Territories, and 16 state maps including this one. County names are present, but not county boundaries and the map can be dated 1795-96 by the counties named. Rivers, mountains and towns are shown but not roads, and it uses the meridian of Philadelphia. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 45 miles. Size 7 x 9 inches.
1795.2 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, This map of the eastern United States is also from The United States Gazetteer by Joseph Scott. Scott's gazetteer was published again in 1799 with the same maps under a somewhat different title: The New and Universal Gazetteer; or, Modern Geographical Dictionary.
1795.3 THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA REDUCED WITH PERMISSION FROM READING HOWELL'S MAP by Samuel Lewis. Smither - Sculp. Engraved for Carey's American edition of Guthrie's Geography Improved. This is one of the earliest copies of the 1792 Howell map. Wheat & Brun (No. 442) date it 1795; Phillips, page 679, dates it 1796; it can be dated 1789-95 by counties shown. This map was published by Mathew Carey, Philadelphia, in several other publications including: The General Atlas for Carey's Edition of Guthrie's Geography Improved 1796 No. 33; Carey's General Atlas, Philadelphia 1796, Map 33; and Carey's American Atlas, Philadelphia 1796, No. 10. A varient of this map dated circa 1796 is listed in Wheat & Brun #448. The Scott and Carey atlases from which maps 1795.1,2,3 come vie for the title of "first atlas published of the United States."Longitude west from London at top, from Philadelphia at bottom. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 18 miles. Size: 18 x 26 inches.
1795.4 A CORRECT CHART OF THE EAST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA engraved for Malham's Naval Gazetteer. London, Published Sepr. 19th 1795, by Allen & West, Pater-Noster Row. The coast is shown from Labrador to Florida, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia are named and nothing else; the inland is a blank. There was another version in 1796, McCorkle (#795.2, 796.6) illustrates both.
  1795.5 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES: compiled chiefly from the state maps, and other authentic information, by Saml. Lewis 1795. Engraved for and sold by Matthew Carey Philadelphia. W. Harrison junr. sculpt. This map appeared in Carey's General Atlas, and there are at least four versions as described in MapForum.Com , Issue 1. The version in Carey's American Atlas has the same title but was engraved by W. Barker. The map can be seen at the Darlington Library. There is an inset of Florida at lower right. McCorkle #795.5; Wheat & Brun #123, 132, 133, 137.
1795.6 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Engraved for Morse's Elements of Geography. Published by Thomas & Andrews, Boston. This particular copy comes from the later edition: Elements of Geography:containing a concise and comprehensive view of that useful science... illustrated with a neat Map of the United States, and a beautiful Chart of the Whole World. by Jedidiah Morse, D.D. Second edition, corrected. Printed at Boston, by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews. Feb. 1796. This small map for a children's geography shows the United States from Nova Scotia to a cut off Florida and west to the Mississippi. Pennsylvania's northern boundary appears to extend beyond 42 degrees with an irregular western boundary at "Pitsburg." McCorkle #795.7; Wheat & Brun #124. Scale: 1 inch = 350 miles. Size: 5 x 5 inches.
1795.7 KARTE VON DER REPUBLIK DER VEREINIGTEN DREYZEHEN STAATEN IN NORD AMERIKA. Zu finden im von Reilly's Chen Landcarten Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien 1795. According to McCorkle (795.8) the author is Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly, and this map is an inset in a larger map titled 'Carte von Amerika nach D'Annville und Pownall....'. This German (or Austrian) map of the eastern United States has a lot of writing and detail, but state boundaries are not shown. The coverage is from southern Maine to Georgia and west to the Mississippi. That this map is an inset is shown by the additional neat line around the edge. Blank verso, the longitude shown on the map appears to be west of Ferro. Scale: 1 inch = 114 miles. Size: 10 x 11 inches.
1795.8 STATES OF AMERICA. Engraved for the Compendious Geographical Grammer Russell del. et sculp. 9 Constitution R. Grays Inn L. A map of the eastern United States, Pennsylvania is shown with modern boundaries but without the Erie triangle. There are at least two versions of this map, one with title at top as in this copy and McCorkle #795.10, the other with title at the bottom right published later (see map 1811.5). Both probably appeared in editions of William Guthrie's A System of Modern Geography... . There is a list of states on the left and, curiously, a twenty league line along the coast. Kentucky (1792) is listed as a state, but not Tennessee (1796). Longitude west from London, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 320 miles. Size: 4.5 x 6 inches.
  1795.9 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, according to the Treaty of Peace of 1784. Russell del: et sculpt. This map resembles the one above and was made for later editions of William Guthrie's New Geographical ... Grammer or possibly The Atlas to Guthrie's System of Geography. The 1783 treaty is misdated but the geography is slightly better. See map 1808.2 for an almost identical later version. McCorkle #795.11.
  1795.10 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Scoles sc. This map appeared in Universal Geography Made Easy by Charles Smith, New York 1795, and also in a 1797 Smith gazetteer. It shows the eastern United States and Pennsylvania is shown with its modern boundaries including the Erie triangle. McCorkle #795.12; Wheat & Brun #126, 139.
  1795.11 MAP OF THE COUNTRY WESTWARD OF LAKE ONTARIO TO THE RIVER MISSISSIPPI AND SOUTHWARD TO THE 37 OF NORTH LATITUDE intended more immediately to show the frontier boundary between the United States and the Indian Tribes as expressed in their treaty of the 3rd August 1795 with the particular grants or concessions in favour of the United States as therein described. This anonymous map is based partly on Hutchins's map (#1778.14) of Virginia and Pennsylvania. Only the western half of the state is included. .
  1795.12 (Northwestern Pennsylvania) This manuscript map can be seen at the Darlington Library where it is dated circa 1795 and given the title 'Map of donation and depreciation lands.' It shows the area from Pittsburgh north to Lake Erie with divisions of lands granted after the Revolutionary War to veterans in lieu of service. The counties of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Armstrong, Mercer, Crawford, Venango, Warren and Erie are included.
1796.1 PENNSYLVANIA DRAWN FROM THE BEST AUTHORITIES by Cyrus Harris, engraved by A. Dolittle, published by Thomas & Andrews. This map is from the third edition of The American Universal Geography by Jedidiah Morse, published by Thomas & Andrews, Boston c1796. It can be dated 1789-95 by counties shown. There is no Erie triangle indicating the map was prepared prior to 1792. The 1768 Purchase Line from Canoe Place (Cherry Tree) to the Allegheny River at Kitanning is shown. Delaware is a separate state. There is a compass rose at upper left and longitude is from Philadelphia. No. 446 in Wheat & Brun and listed on page 679 of Phillips. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch =25 miles. Size: 8.25 x 13.5 inches.
1796.2 PENNSYLVANIA, W. Barker sculp. This map was engraved by William Barker of Philadelphia and published opposite page 58 in the 1st edition of Carey's American Pocket Atlas, Philadelphia, printed for Mathew Carey by Lang and Ustick, 1796, the first pocket atlas printed in America, Wheat and Brun, No. 445, State I. Towns are indicated, but not counties or their boundaries. Waterways and mountains are shown, but no roads. In the next edition of 1801 roads were added. There were other editions in 1805, 1813, 1814. This map looks similar to Joseph Scott's map 1795.1, but is not the same. Longitude from London at top, from Philadelphia at bottom, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 45 miles. Size: 6 x 8 inches.
1796.3 THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, FROM THE LATEST SURVEYS. D. Martin, sct. Publish'd by J. Reid New York. This map appeared as No. 12 in The American Atlas published by John Reid (also John Reed), New York 1796. It is notable for the extensive road network shown and is certainly based upon Reading Howell maps. A smaller and different map of this same title with the date 1800 added appeared in Payne's Geography. Phillips page 680, Wheat & Brun #450-51. Longitude from London at top, Philadelphia at bottom, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 18 miles. Size: 12.5 x 17.5 inches.
  1796.4 AN ACCURATE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. According to the Treaty of Peace of 1783. A. Anderson sculp. A map of the eastern United States with Florida cut off as is usual in maps from this time, this one is unusual in showing a "The Twenty League Line" along the coast. There were several later versions, some appearing in John Reid's American Atlas. This map is a direct copy of map 1794.6. McCorkle #796.1; Wheat & Brun #134-36, 143.
  1796.5 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA drawn from a number of critical researches. By A. Arrowsmith, geographer Charles Street, Soho Square. London. Published as the Act directs by A. Arrowsmith, Charles Street Soho Square. Jany. 1st 1796. This is known as Arrowsmith's "large map" and it was published again in 1802; it was about 48 x 56 inches and a four sheet version can be seen at the Darlington Library. A smaller version appeared in publications in the early 1800s. McCorkle #796.2
1796.6 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. W. Barker sculp. Philadelphia. This map appeared in Carey's American Pocket Atlas, Philadelphia 1796, along with the Pennsylvania map shown above. Pennsylvania has its modern boundaries. Image courtesy of R.D. Screws. McCorkle #796.3; Wheat & Brun #131. Scale: 1 inch = 150 miles. Size: 10 x 12.5 inches.
1796.7 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES exhibiting post roads & distances by Abraham Bradley Junr. This map shows the northeastern states. Later in the year Bradley issued his map of the entire United States titled MAP OF THE UNITED STATES..., illustrated in Ristow. These two maps are famous because they are among the earliest to depict the road network of the fledgling United States, and were adopted for use by the fledgling Post Office. North central and northwestern Pennsylvania are without any roads at all as can be seen from this detail from the Library of Congress copy. McCorkle #796.4, 5; Wheat & Brun #127, 128-30.
  1796.8 STEPHENS PLAN OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. This is a retitled version of map 1794.8 published in Stephens Philadelphia Directory for 1796. In 1797 it was re-engraved, with Stephens dropped from the title, and published in The Philadelphia Directory for 1797. Phillips page 702, Wheat & Brun #467, 470, illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Figure 105.
1796.9 THIS PLAN OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA AND ITS ENVIRONS, (shewing the improved parts) is dedicated the the mayor, aldermen and citizens thereof, by their most obedient servant, John Hills, surveyor and draughtsman. May 30th 1796. Engraved by John Cooke, of Hendon, Middlesex. Philadelphia. Published and sold by John Hills. Surveyor & Draughsman 1797. This map could be dated either 1796 or 1797; there was also a 1798 version illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Figure 121. Phillips page 702, Wheat & Brun #468, 471. The image here is from the Library of Congress.
  1796.10 PLAN OF THE TOWN OF ERIE ON LAKE ERIE, F Molineux del, Published as the Act directs, F Shallus sculpt. The accompanying copyright statement in the Library of Congress copy says: "Deposited 16 Sepr. 96 by Frederic Molineux as Author." Wheat & Brun #449.
  1796.11 THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AND SURROUNDING AREAS. W. Barker, sculp. This map shows primary rivers and roads from Oswego south to the Chesapeake, and from New York to the western border of Pennsylvania. It appeared in A Description of the River Susquehanna by Jonathan W. Condy. Wheat & Brun #311.
1796.12 (Northwest Pennsylvania) This is an untitled manuscript map known as HECKEWELDER'S MAP that is illustrated in Winsor (1899) dated 1796 and shown here. It depicts the Indian trails around Pittsburgh used to travel back then. John Heckewelder became interested in the American Indians and spent most of his life, covering the latter 18th century, living and traveling among them mostly in Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio. He kept journals and wrote a couple of books which are a major source of information on the eastern Indians of the period.
  1796.13 BOWLES'S NEW ONE-SHEET MAP OF THE INDEPENDENT STATES OF VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, DELAWARE, PENSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, CONNECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND, &C. comprehending also the habitations & hunting countries of the confederate Indians. By Lewis Evans. Printed for the Proprietors Bowles & Carter,No. 69 in St. Paul's ChurchYard, London. This map is a very late Bowles version of the famous 1755 Evans map. It can be seen at the Darlington Library, where it is dated circa 1796.
1796.14 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This map shows the region from Nova Scotia to Georgia and west to the Mississippi, and appeared in editions of Elements of Geography by Benjamin Workman, Philadelphia, 1790 and later. The example shown by McCorkle (#790.6) includes the Erie triangle and so must come from an edition after 1792. The earliest edition of Workman seen with this map is Elements of Geography, by Benjamin Workman, A.M., The sixth edition. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by John McCulloch, No. 1, North Third Street, 1796. So, that date is used for it here. The same map was seen in the ninth edition dated 1803, and it is possible it appeared in all editions after 1792. The Library of Congress has second and third editions dated 1790; and a 16th edition dated 1816; as well as 1811, 1809, 1807, 1796 editions. Scale: 1 inch ~ 300 miles. Size: 8 x 8 inches.
  1796.15 THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA WITH THE BRITISH TERRITORIES AND THOSE OF SPAIN. Engraved by Wm. Faden. 1796. This map was seen at auction and is apparently from a Faden atlas. It shows the eastern United States to beyond the Mississippi, southern Canada up to Newfoundland, and includes Florida. It is a late edition of map 1777.5.
1796.16 TO THE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA THIS PLAN OF THE CITY AND ITS ENVIRONS IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED by the Editor. P. C. Varle Geographer & Enginr. del.; R. Scott sculp. Philada. The dating of this map is uncertain, Wheat & Brun #465 date it circa 1794, and there is an 1802 version with additions. This map was seen at auction dated 1796 quoting the August 3, 1796, issue of the Pennsylvania Gazette as advertising the map for sale. It is illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Colorplate 12, dated 1796; and a 1802 later version in Figure 119 . A facsimile of this map with the date 1776 was put out in 1926 by a Philadelphia bank. There is also apparently a contemporary French manuscript version, see Docktor #294V7. The image shown here is a reproduction from Street Atlas of Philadelphia by Wards, 1895; published by Chas. D. Kaufmann, 38 N. 6th St. Philadelphia. Subtitled 'Philadelphia in 1796,' it was apparently originally prepared for the 1876 centennial as a single and then published in the atlas. Scale: 1 inch ~ 3 blocks. Size: 14.5 x 20 inches.
1797.1 PENNSYLVANIA entworfen von D. F. Sotzman, Hamburg by Carl Ernst Bohn 1797. zu Ebelings erdbeschrcibung von Amerika. This large map (28 x 16 inches) of Pennsylvania was engraved by Sotzmann for Christopher Ebeling's Erdbeschreibung von Amerika, a project ended after only ten maps of America were completed; the series is discussed in Chapter 11 of Ristow. The Pennsylvania map emphasizes the layout of land holdings. This image is from a modern reproduction. Phillips page 680.
1797.2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, London Pubd. as the act directs Feby 18th, 1797, by J. Wilkes. Neele Sc. 352 Strand (McCorkle #797.4). This map by Samuel John Neele is from Encyclopaedia Londinensis published in 1797 by John Wilkes. The map shows the country from Maine to northern Florida and west to the Mississippi. Pennsylvania does not have the Erie triangle, several towns are identified and the word canal appears above the Schyulkill River. Listed on page 872 of Phillips with no source. There was another version of this map published by G. Kearsley Fleet Street London, March 11.th 1797. It has the title in a cartouche and can be seen at MapForum.Com , Issue 1. Longitude west from Greenwich. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 240 miles. Size: 7.25 x 9.5 inches.
1797.3 MAP OF THE NORTHERN PART OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by Abraham Bradley Junr B Callender scp. Engraved for Morse' s American Gazetteer. This map is from the 1797 edition of Morse's American Gazetteer. The region covered is from Maine to Virginia and west to the Mississippi. Future states are identified as Ist State (Ohio), II State (Indiana), III State (Illinois), IV State (Michigan), V State (Wisconsin). There was an English version in 1798 by John Russell which is similar except for the note at bottom, McCorkle #797.1, 798.6; Wheat & Brun #158. This copy has been double printed with an offset printing showing through weakly. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 100 miles. Size: 9 x 16 inches.
  1797.4 GLI STATI UNITI DELL' AMERICA IL CANADA, E LA FLORIDA Gio. Ma. Casini som inc. This is a map of the eastern United States and southern Canada which appeared in Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale by Giovanni Casini, Rome 1801; there was a 1798 version also and several sheets from it are illustrated in Portinaro and Knirsch. Appearing in the same atlas was a map of the northeast with the same initial title followed by a list of the states covered: ... Il Nuovo Yersey, La Pensilvania, Il Delaware... etc. This map shows only the eastern half of Pennsylvania. The title map shows the entire eastern United States. McCorkle #797.2, 3, 798.1.
1797.5 CARTE DE LA PARTIE SEPTENTRIONALE DES ETATS UNIS, COMPRENANT LE CANADA, LA NOUVELLE ECOSSE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSET'S BAY, RHODE-ISLAND, CONNECTICUT, NEW-YORK, ETAT DE VERMONT AVEC PARTIE DE PENSILVANIE ET DE NEW-JERSEY. Andre scrip Tardieu sculp. As the title implies, this map includes only eastern Pennsylvania which is shown extending to 43 degrees. Only a slice of present day northeasterm Pennsylvania down to Philadelphia is shown and is mostly blank. The map appeared in Atlas Universel de Geographie Physique et Politique by Edme Mentelle, Paris 1797 and later. McCorkle #797.5. Blank verso, longitude from Paris at bottom, from Ferro at top. Scale: 1 inch = 60 miles. Size: 12.5 x 16.5 inches.
1797.6 CARTE GENERALE DES ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, renfermant aussi quelques provinces Angloises adjacentes. Tardieu sculp. Andre scrip. McCorkle #797.6. Another map from Atlas universel, this one shows the United States from Newfoundland to Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi. The states are named but not much else. This map is very similar to #1787.2 with the same name. Longitude from Ferro at top, Paris at bottom. Scale: 1 inch = 170 miles. Size: 12.5 x 17 inches.
  1797.7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA agreeable to the Peace of 1783. A small map from Elements of Geography by John Walker, Dublin 1797, it shows the states from Massachusetts to South Carolina. Pennsylvania is shown extending to Lake Ontario with an irregular western boundary. The map also appeared in An Atlas of Walker's Geography and Gazetteer, Dublin: Thomas Morton Bates, 1798. McCorkle #797.7
  1797.8 PLAN OF BEULA PENNSYLVANIA. W. Barker sculp. The dating is uncertain. Beula was founded around 1797 and was one of the first towns in Cambria County. It was started by a group of Welsh immigrants led by Rees Lloyd; whose son Eben is the namesake of the present county seat of Ebensburg. Beula no longer exists, and Ebensburg was built on an adjacent hill using material from the demolished Beula. Wheat & Brun #452.
  1797.9 PLAN FOR THE NORTH EAST PUBLIC SQUARE. This is a land plot near Sixth and Vine streets and the German Lutheran Burying Ground in Philadelphia. It was published in a pamphlet The Committee Appointed to Examine into the Title. Wheat & Brun #469 date it to 1797.
1797.10 REPORT OF A ROAD FROM LOVE'S GAP TO SHADES MILL, CONFIRMED 30 FEET WIDE, ORDER EXIT TO GEORGE (?)URGLE, JUNE 22, 1797 NOT PAID. This is the verso title of a manuscript map on watermark paper of a road survey done in 1796 in Lycoming County. The survey is signed by Hugh White, Wm Montgomery, John Chattam, John Mccormic. The map, about 6 x 10 inches, is on the top portion and shows the river and a marked road. The following was found in Chapter 19 of History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania : including its aboriginal history, the colonial and revolutionary periods, early settlement and subsequent growth ..., edited by John F. Meginness, Brown & Runk, Chicago 1892: "Several new roads were reported to this court. One led from Newberry to Thomas Brooks's; another from Robert Crawford's to Antes's grist mill, and still another from the same mill to the great road leading up the river. When December sessions convened Hugh White, William Montgomery, and others reported that they had laid out a road from Love's gap to Shade's mill and other viewers reported that a road had been laid out from the bank of Loyalsock creek through the lower end of Andrew Carson's meadow across the mouth of a gut and thence straight forward until it intersected the old road." These place names have passed on, however Loyalsock Creek is near Williamsport. Lycoming County was founded in 1795 and was much bigger than the present county extending north to the border and west to Clarion County, so the location could also be in a daughter county.
1797.11 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. with Part of the Adjoining Provinces, from the Latest Authorities. This map is similar to map 1794.3 and has the same name. It differs notably by including Tennessee as a state which would date it after 1796. There is no attribution on the map, but it is believed to come from A New and Comprehensive System of Universal Geography by Henry Moore, printed by MacDonald and Son, London, circa 1797. This copy has been mis-colored to show the western boundary of Pennsylvania all wrong, probably because the western boundary line has not been engraved, like it is on the 1794 map. Originally folded with blank verso, longitude west from Greenwich. Scale: 1 inch = 165 miles. Size: 8.5 x 10.5 inches.
1798.1 A MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, NEW JERSEY & MARYLAND WITH THE PARTS ADJACENT. Engraved for RP's Histy of Penna., Thackara Sc. This map is from The History of Pennsylvania, in North America. From the Original Institution and Settlement of that Province, under the first Proprietor and Governor William Penn, in 1681, till after the Year 1742...by Robert Proud, Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Zachariah Poulson, Junior, 1797 - 1798. This is the first real history of the state published. Delaware is also marked 'Territories of Pennsylvania', indicating this map may have been printed from an old plate that was recut. No. 312 in Wheat & Brun. Longitude from Philadelphia. Scale: 1 inch = 28 miles. Size: 12.25 x 15 inches. 
1798.2 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Engraved for Morse's Elements of Geography Published by Thomas & Andrews, Boston. 1798. The eastern United States is shown with little detail. This map is an updated version of map 1795.6 with the same name. It also appeared in later editions of Morse's book and this particular copy comes from Elements of Geography, containing a concise and comprehensive view of that useful science, by Jedidiah Morse, D.D., Fifth edition improved. Boston: Printed for Thomas & Andrews, No. 45 Newbury-street...July, 1804. J. T. Buckingham, Printer. McCorkle #798.3; Wheat & Brun #141
  1798.3 BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA AND UNITED STATES WITH VERMONT, KENTUCKY AND TENNASSEE. W. Palmer sculp Published by Wm. Faden Jany. 1. 1798. This map appeared in Faden's Atlas Minimus Universalis, London 1798. It shows the eastern United States and recognizes three new states. Pennsylvania extends to Lake Ontario. McCorkle #798.4
1798.4 PART OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Published 15th. Novr. 1798 by J. Stockdale, Piccadilly. This map of the northeast appeared in Travels Through the States of North America by Isaac Weld, London 1798 and later. Publishing "travels" in America became something of a rage at the turn of the 19th century and Weld's was one of the most popular. There are German and French versions also: McCorkle #798.5, 799.6, 800.4. The coverage extends from southern Maine to North Carolina and west to Kentucky. An inset at lower right shows South Carolina and Georgia. Weld's book also contains A NEW MAP OF UPPER AND LOWER CANADA, which is a map of the Great Lakes on which the United States area is a blank; and a map of Niagara Falls. Blank verso, longitude west from London at top, from Philadelphia at bottom. Intaglio print, originally folded. Scale: 1 inch = 50 miles. Size: 16 x 18.5 inches.
  1798.5 PART OF BETHLEHEM FARMS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RIVER..., a manuscript surveyed land map online at the Bethlehem Digital History Project .
1798.6 GLI STATI UNITI DELL' AMERICA IL CANADA, E LA FLORIDA CARTA GENERALE DELINEATA SULLE ULTIME OSSERVAZNI, ROMA PRESSO LA CALCOGRAFIA CAMERALE 1798. Gio. Ma. Cassini inc. (i.e. Giovanni Maria Cassini). Published in Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale. This Italian map of the young United States is derived from Zatta's copy of Mitchell's map of North America (see map 1778.7) and thus presents a very out of date picture; another case where an old map has had a new United States title (Stati Uniti) added to it. The Florida peninsula is misshapen; Georgia is a narrow strip of land; the Carolinas, Virginia, and Pennsylvania all stretch to the Mississippi River. Western New York is part of Pennsylvania as indeed it almost was. The "Luigiana" territory is identified. Numerous Indian tribes are located. The large title cartouche at bottom right has a vignette of natives in the middle of a hunt. Intaglio print, blank verso. Longitude east from (probably) Ferro. Scale:1 inch = 166 miles. Size: 13.5 x 18.75 inches.
1799.1 (East Coast) This untitled map of the United States and southern Canada bears the imprimatur Smith & Jones Sculp. 13 Pleasant Row Pentonville (McCorkle #799.8). It is from an English edition of Duke de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's Travels..., the full title of which is Travels through the United States of North America, the country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 : with an authentic account of Lower Canada, By the Duke de La Rochefoucault Liancourt ..., with translation by H. Neuman, published by R. Phillips, London 1799. See Phillips, page 873. There are several versions of this map, one has across the top the title: MAP OF THE UNITED STATES , CANADA &C. intended to illustrate the travels of the Duke de la Rochefoucault Liancourt (McCorkle #799.8). The original French version is titled: CARTE GENERALE DES ETATS-UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, Divisee En Ses 17 Provinces. The work is in 2 volumes with 3 folded maps, a 'General Map' which is this one, and 2 more local maps (see map 1799.11 below). The region from the Great Lakes to northern Florida and west to the Mississippi is shown. Pennsylvania appears without the Erie triangle acquired in 1792. A road is shown across southern Pennsylvania going on into Ohio. The map includes 'Franklinia', the one time state of Franklin, named after Benjamin Franklin. It was formed in 1784 by settlers with John Sevier as governor, but never officially recognized by Congress. Sevier later became the first governor of Tennessee, admitted in 1796, and the state of Franklin was reannexed to North Carolina. Thus, the map would appear to represent the country as it was between 1784 and 1792 or 1796. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 105 miles. Size: 16 x 13 inches.
  1799.2 CARTE GENERALE DES ETATS-UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE divisee en ses 17 Provinces. Par L. Capitaine Ier. Ingenieur et Associe de la Carte genele. de la France en 180 fles. This is the original French version of the map above from Liancourt's book which, unlike the English version, has a cartouche title (McCorkle #799.3).
  1799.3 CARTE DES ETATS-UNIS PROVINCES SEPTENTRIONALES. This is a map of the northeast from the French edition of Liancourt's Travels..., Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, Paris 1799. Like Weld's Travels..., Liancourt's were very popular. Pennsylvania is shown accurately with its modern boundaries. The English version also contained this map titled MAP OF THE NORTHERN PROVINCES OF THE UNITED STATES, see map 1799.12 below. (McCorkle #799.7). McCorkle (#799.2) conjectures the French map was prepared by Louis Capitaine as was the map above.
1799.4 ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Blondeau sculpt. This map of the eastern United States appeared in a French edition of William Guthrie's geography Atlas Universel pour la Geographie (McCorkle #799.1). Pennsylvania is shown without the Erie triangle; Indian tribes and "Army Lands" are identified. Longitude west from Ferro at top, from Paris at bottom; blank verso. There is an error on the scale bar, with 200 printed instead of 250. Scale: 1 inch = 200 miles. Size: 7 by 8 inches.
  1799.5 (Eastern United States) An untitled map from a German school atlas, at bottom is Entworfen von F. L. Gussefeld. Gestochen von C. Westermayr. The map is blank and was apparently intended as a school exercise of fill in the blanks (McCorkle #799.4).
  1799.6 A NEW CHART OF AMERICA WITH THE HARBORS OF NEW YORK, BOSTON &C. Drawn from the latest authorities by W. Heather. 1799. Stephenson sculp. London, published as the Act directs, June 1st. 1799 ... . This navigation chart from The Marine Atlas, or Seaman's Complete Pilot... is included because it contains an inset of Delaware Bay and River as far north as Philadelphia (McCorkle #799.5).
1799.7 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Engraved for Payne's Universal Geography published by J. Low New York. This is a map of the eastern United States from A New and Complete System of Universal Geography published in multiple volumes circa 1798-1800. Payne's geography also contains state maps, the one for Pennsylvania being dated 1800, and so listed under that date. This map shows the eastern United States from Maine to a cutoff Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi; Pennsylvania has its modern boundaries. This same map was published in Low's Encyclopedia in 1805. McCorkle #799.9. Longitude from Philadelphia at bottom, London at top, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 150 miles. Size: 9.75 x 12 inches.
  1799.8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. London published as the Act directs, March 1st. 1799 by G. G. & J. Robinson Paternoster Row. This map comes from Atlas to Crutwell's Gazetteer by Clement Crutwell, London circa 1799. It shows the eastern United States, Pennsylvania extends to Lake Ontario with an irregular western boundary (McCorkle #799.10).
  1799.9 DIE VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON NORDAMERIKA nach Arrowsmith's und Lewis Karten vom Jahre 1795 und 1796. Nurnberg 1799. in der Schneider-und Weigelschen K. K. privilegirten Kunsthandlung. This is a German map of the United States crediting Arrowsmith and Lewis (McCorkle #799.11).
  1799.10 A MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. This map of the area from New York to Virginia appeared in Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country by Charles Williamson. There are three versions of increasing text and detail. All three are illustrated in Schwartz & Ehrenberg who date them 1798, 1799, and 1800. Wheat & Brun #314-16.
1799.11 MAP OF THE NORTHERN PROVINCES OF THE UNITED STATES, printed for R. Phillips, 71 St Paul's Church Yard. Russell Junior sculp. This map is from an English edition of Duke de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's Travels... (McCorkle #799.7, see also map 1799.1 above). It shows the northern United States from Maryland to Maine and west to include all of Pennsylvania. Roads are prominent in this image showing most of the map. This map is the same as map 1799.3 above except for the title. Longitude from Washington, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 40 miles. Size: 12.5 x 20 inches.
  1799.12 BOWLES'S NEW ONE-SHEET MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; WITH THE TERRITORIES BELONGING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND SPAIN. London: Printed for & Sold by the Proprietors:Bowles & Carver, at their Map & Print Warehouse No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard. McCorkle (768.1) dates this issue of D'Anville's map circa 1799 and that dating is use here. This was apparently the final English version of map 1768.3 to be issued, this time without any mention of the original author. The name of the prominent publisher Carrington Bowles is used instead.
  1799.13 A SKETCH OF THE ADJACENT TERRITORIES OF CANADA & THE UNITED STATES. Engraved for the Commercial and Agricultural Magazine. Pub'd by V. Griffiths, Paternoster Row.This map from the Volume 1 1799 issue of the Commercial and Agricultural Magazine covers the region from Lake of the Woods east to the St. Lawrence River and south to near New Madrid at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Lake Superior shows a few spurious islands and only a few place names are shown. An Indian Road to James Bay is noted near the top of the map. States and territories are not shown or named and the emphasis is on showing the rivers. This magazine was published from August 1799 to 1807, apparently bimonthly.
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